March 11, 2020

Trek 2.0 Updates

By Barry Rudesill
Hey All! Well, we’re a few months into 2020 and we’ve had a lot of people ask for updates on what’s happening with Trek 2.0. Well...
  • We have finally read through ALL of the feedback on our site, we’ve read the evaluation forms, and we’ve reviewed our own notes from years of facilitating. Based on all of this, we were able to complete the list of classes that we want in the new Trek 2.0.
  • In our class list, we have moved the “Introduction” to “Class 0” and “The Journey Home” to “Class 27”. What that means is that we will actually have 26 “real” classes in Trek 2.0.
  • Sadly, one of our classes has been “demoted” in status: “Self-Image”. (For all of you fans of Pluto, I’m sorry to add to your burden.) Due to the new content, we had to move a class and “Self-Image” is covered in a lot of different places. But, fear not, if you really like the class, it WILL remain available as a “Scenic Overlook”.
  • Some of our “familiar” classes are getting a name change as well as an upgrade. For example, “Healthy Relationships 1” has now become “Family of Origin” and “Healthy Relationships 2” has become “Family of Choice”. The reason we did that is to have more specific names as we update the curriculum.
  • We are adding some brand new classes! I can’t give too much away just yet, but I will let you know that Boundaries has been split into two classes – Personal Boundaries and Relationship Boundaries.
  • Some classes will keep the same name, but be totally different in nature. The one that comes readily to mind is “Communication”. We’ve already been teaching the new, updated “Communication” class and overall the reviews have been positive.
  • “The Bridge” is getting a complete overhaul complete with new videos, a snazzy new logo, new workbooks, and even it’s own “Scenic Overlooks” for those who wish to dig deeper into the Biblical side of The Trek. This upgrade will also include a “Bridge” series for the Student Edition.
  • Finally, for our Facilitators, we are also going to update all of the training materials to reflect the new content.
In addition to all of this, there are a number of website updates, server updates, marketing updates, and a whole pile of government paperwork necessary to get all of our ducks in a row!

So, with all of that, where are we at?
  • “The Bridge 2.0” final classes are being written. At this time, we’ve filmed – and uploaded – over half of the new series! (I think we do have most of the workbooks uploaded, as well.) If we can stick to our timetable, we will be done with ALL of the new “Bridge” by the end of March / start of April.
  • We have a good start on Trek 2.0. When we are done filming “The Bridge”, we have a few set changes to make and then we are ready to get production up and rolling. With our current timetable, we will be done and have the new series uploaded by the end of Summer.
  • We’re filing paperwork now. Um...yay… Love that paperwork! But, we’re hoping to get most of that wrapped up in the next couple of months, as well.
  • Last but not least, the website… Well, that’s our last project and so we won’t be touching it until late-Summer.
  • Currently, our launch date of Trek 2.0 is scheduled for September 1, 2019. We will offer Facilitator Training during September for any interested groups, and we will be fully finished with the project by October 1st.
So, that’s where we are, what we’re working on, and where we’re trying to get to. Where are we going after that? Well, we have some ideas…
  • We want to upgrade The Trek – Student Edition. This won’t be a complete overhaul, but there are some tweaks, based on our research and feedback, we want to make that should improve the program.
  • We want to relaunch The Trek – BASICS, which is a residential, week-long Trek program during Summer Camp. If you have some teens that you think would benefit from this program, please contact us!
  • And the project that I want most is our Veteran's Edition. (We are a minimum of two years out on this series, but I really do want to get started!)
That’s where we came from, that’s what we’re working on, and that’s where we’re going. Thank you so much for coming with us on this journey!
In the meantime, we hope you enjoy your journey!

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The Trek is an online personal development curriculum that is for anyone and everyone. If you are seeking a path to greater understanding, stronger relationships, and better interpersonal skills, join us on this life-changing journey. Your life will never be the same again.

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"I learned SO much about myself and stuff I NEED to work on and stuff that I'm doing good and should continue to do. I'm so thankful for this opportunity to come here and have this experience." Trystin, Sr. High Student

"Now that The Trek is over, my journey begins to use the tools I've been taught to go through the rest of my life being a better and more content person. I'm excited to see what lies ahead for me." Carol, Adult

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